9+ Key 3PL Statistics & Numbers (Must Know in 2024)

Third-party logistics is essential in modern supply chains as it connects businesses to their customers and ensures timely deliveries. 

But just how extensive is its impact on global commerce? 

With that in mind, we’ll cover 3PL statistics that reveal the industry’s growth, challenges, and how important and influential they are.

3PL Statistics: Key Numbers

  • The global 3PL market is valued at $1.19 trillion in 2023.
  • The global 3PL market is expected to grow $2.43 trillion by 2032, a 104% increase in a decade.
  • The U.S. third-party logistics (3PL) market grew 18.25% to $405.5 billion in 2022.
  • The U.S. 3PL market is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 8.15% over the next decade.
  • 92% of 3PL providers serve the retail market.
  • 84% of 3PLs find artificial intelligence and machine learning impactful.
  • 28% of 3PLs find blockchain technology impactful.
  • Over 60% of 3PLs struggle with technology investment, making it the industry’s biggest issue.

Source: (Precedence Research, Statista, InboundLogistics)

3PL Market Size

The global 3PL market continues to expand over the next decade. Let’s look at the yearly market size projections:

YearMarket Size (in Trillions) 

Source: Precedence Research

3PL Market Growth Rate

The 3PL market is projected to experience steady growth over the next decade with slight fluctuations. Below are the annual growth rates anticipated for the upcoming years:

Year3PL Market Growth Rate (%)

Source: Contimod, Precedence Research

U.S. third-party logistics (3PL) market Size

The growth of the U.S. third-party logistics market reflects its essential role in the supply chain. The key statistics below provide insight into this expansion:

YearRevenue (in billions )Market Growth Rate (%)

Source: Statista

If you want to know about the logistics industry numbers, then visit our logistics industry statistics resource that provides details about current industry.

Markets Served by 3PL

Third-Party Logistics serves a wide range of industries with strong presence in retail transport and manufacturing sectors. Below is a list of markets where 3PL services are widely used:

Markets Served by 3PLPin
  • Retail: 92%
  • Transport Sector: 90%
  • Manufacturing: 86%
  • Wholesale: 83%
  • E-Commerce.: 74
  • Services: 54%

Source: InboundLogistics

Top Challenges 3PLs Face

Three-party logistics (3PLs) have to deal with many problems such as investing in technology and keeping workers. Here’s an overview of the most pressing issues they face:

Top Challenges 3PLs FacePin
  • 66% face challenges with technology investment.
  • 62% struggle with rising operational costs and access to capital.
  • 59% have difficulty finding, training, and retaining qualified labor.
  • 46% are concerned with capacity issues.
  • 38% deal with corporate social responsibility and sustainability.
  • 33% have challenges finding and retaining customers.
  • 32% encounter compliance and regulation issues.
  • 30% face difficulties in growth management.

Source: InboundLogistics

Top Reasons For Failed 3PL Partnerships

Many 3PL partnerships fail due to several critical factors that impact their success. Below are the top reasons that lead to these failures:

What is The Top Reason For a Failed 3PL PartnershipPin
  • 60% of failed partnerships are due to poor customer service.
  • 17% of failures are caused by unmet expectations.
  • 11% of partnerships fail because of cost issues.
  • 7% of shippers choose more competitive options.
  • 4% of failures are due to loss of control.
  • 1% of failures are due to cultural dissimilarities.

Source: InboundLogistics

Strategies shippers and 3PLs use to manage challenges

Shippers and 3PLs take proactive measures to manage challenges. The strategies they employ include:

Strategies Shippers And 3PLs Use to Manage ChallengesPin
  • 56% use DC network optimization and realignment.
  • 53% employ nearshoring or reshoring.
  • 52% utilize strategic sourcing strategies.
  • 51% focus on supply chain design.
  • 46% form 4PL/LLP partnerships.
  • 45% rely on managed technology services.
  • 44% implement lean best practices.
  • 41% adopt intermodal transportation.

Source: InboundLogistics

Most Impactful Technologies for 3PL

3PLs are relying heavily on tech like AI and IoT. Check out which ones are having the most impact:

Most Impactful Technologies FOR 3PLPin
  • 84% of 3PLs find artificial intelligence and machine learning impactful.
  • 44% of 3PLs see autonomous vehicles as impactful.
  • 40% of 3PLs consider the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial IoT impactful.
  • 28% of 3PLs find blockchain technology impactful.
  • 23% of 3PLs see wearable technology as impactful.
  • 21% of 3PLs consider embedded sensors impactful.
  • 18% of 3PLs find drones impactful.
  • 8% of 3PLs see virtual reality as impactful.

Source: InboundLogistics

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